History of Costume


The present Halloween traditions can be traced back to the ancient Celtic day of the dead “Samhain”. Halloween as a holiday has many strange customs, and each one can be associated to legend.
The customs of bobbing for apples and carving pumpkin and other vegetables, as well as eating fruits and nuts, goes back to the harvest Festival that was celebrated at the beginning of November. A time to store the harvest and bringing the pasture animal closer to the settlement, a time to get ready for the winter ahead
The wearing of costumes, and roaming from door to door demanding treats can be also be traced to the Celtic “Samhain” when it was thought that the souls of the dead were out and about, along with fairies, witches, and demons. This ritual was called "mumming" and it is possible that trick or treat may have evolved from this tradition.

To this day, vampires, witches, ghosts, and skeleton and other images of the dead are among our favorite costume for Halloween. Halloween today is a holiday of masquerade, like mardi Gras. Men women and children in every costume possible are taking to the streets parading past candlelit pumpkins carved as grotesque heads watching from porches, as we re-enact customs from past ages.   

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